Learn to Spread Agape


To Learn How To Agape,

And we are here to help. Many churches and ministries have a desire to start putting agape at the forefront of their ministry but they simply don't have the know how. This is where we can help. Our team can help in a few ways.

Ministerial Education

At Agape First we are first and foremost educators. Do you already have a ministry team and just need to be taught how to implement agape? Maybe you just need someone to help explain what agape is and how it works in everyday life? We have courses for this and so much more to train up Pastor and Ministers to put agape at the forefront of thier ministry.


Ready to start teaching agape? Use our curriculum that recenters books of the bible, biblical characters, and so much more around agape. Too often we miss the agape details in common bible stories that we heard as kids, use our curriculum to get back on the path of Christ.

Ministry Planning

Have a congregation ready to implement agape strategies and just need a plan? We are here to help. We will work with you and your team to develop practical plans that fit your ministries unique skillset to put agape back into your community. From starting staffing agencies, to food banks, to housing projects, to food banks, let us help you harness the unique gifts of your congregation to fulfill their roles in the body of Christ.

Ministry Planting

Want to be a part of the Agape First Movement? We will train you up and equip you to plant a local house church or bigger faith community in your area under the Agape First banner. From how to start, draft bylaws, file for 501(c)(3), figuring out and securing a location, getting start up funds, setup curriculum, professional development for your support staff, and more. We are here to help!

Ready to get started? Have a different idea?



The money contributed by fellow believers in Christ like you goes to more than keeping the lights on, but also powers our projects like opening food banks, take what you need closets, and job fairs in each of our local meeting spaces. We thank you in advance for your genorosity.

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